Gunpla Pre-orders and New Releases for September-October 2019

5 years ago

This monthly shopping guide begins with a very special announcement as John and I welcome our tiny Gundam pilot to…

How To Use Pla Plate Shapes To Elevate Your Gunpla

5 years ago

Previously, Dominic of Total Gunpla taught us how to use pla plates, or styrene sheets, to add custom detail to…

Gunpla Grade and Scale 101

6 years ago

This post was updated with new information on September 3, 2019.  Gunpla is most enjoyable when you pick one that…

Gunpla Pre-orders and New Releases for August-September 2019

6 years ago

This is my last monthly shopping guide before going on maternity leave! Becoming a large mobile suit for a tiny,…

Pla Plates For Gunpla Modeling 101

6 years ago

Pla plates, short for plastic plates, are what Gundam modelers call styrene sheets. Modelers use pla plates to add custom…

Gunpla Pre-orders and New Releases for July-August 2019

6 years ago

We got a bit of Gundam excitement this July when Sunrise announced Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE, a sequel to Gundam…

How To Apply A Panel Line Wash For Gunpla

6 years ago

You can’t use a regular panel line marker for a painted Gunpla kit (well, you can try but no guarantees…

Gunpla Pre-orders and New Releases for June-July 2019

6 years ago

Welcome to July! If you’ve noticed this summer is a little sparse on new releases, you can thank 30 Minute…

Perfect Grade Unicorn Gundam: Photoshoot

6 years ago

Thanks for your patience everyone! As we get ready for our tiny Newtype to arrive, our house and schedules have…

How to use Silly Putty for masking and painting Gunpla

6 years ago

We all know that Gunpla painting comes out better the more prep you do ahead of time, but it’s tedious…