Welcome to our latest resource for Gunpla fans: the Gunpla Database, or GunplaDB for short.
This is the friendliest English-language Gunpla search engine we could make, inspired by our own difficulties finding a comprehensive guide to Gunpla, well, in English that is. The database works by scanning Bandai’s own database and translating it into English so you get the most accurate information about each model.
Except, it doesn’t include every model yet. We’re still in beta, working out the details. There’s bugs to fix, sure, but we’re also curious about user-desired features. That’s where you come in!
Here are some of the ways you can use the GunplaDB beta:
GunplaDB was a group effort between me (Lauren), John, and our developer, Crimm. We hired Crimm to help bring our ideas to life, but his tireless enthusiasm became an essential part of the project.
We already have ideas for how we can expand and improve the database, but we want to hear yours, too. We can’t wait to hear what you think. But be gentle, we’re just getting started!
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