This week, we’re taking this show on the road! Gunpla 101 will be at AnimeNEXT 2018 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where John and Lauren are presenting as guest panelists.
Catch us during one of our three Gundam panels:
39 Years of Gundam Anime
Haven’t watched all 39 years of Gundam yet? Do you feel overwhelmed and not know where to start? Join us as Gunpla 101 covers the best and worst of Gundam-detailing those awesome highlights and unintentionally hilarious lowlights-to get you caught up.
He Is A Char: A Tribute To Gundam’s Most Famous Masked Man
Who is that masked man, anyway? Join Gunpla 101 in a deep dive into the enigmatic aliases, identities and motivations of Gundam’s most iconic antagonist. Learn about how one character resonated so strongly with fans that he inspired dozens of copies and clones. Come to watch comedic, tragic, and inspirational clips as we appreciate Gundam’s most interesting man.
Gunpla is Freedom!
You don’t need to be a master builder or a big spender to create great looking Gunpla. At Gunpla 101, we give you a crash course in the basics of building good-looking Gunpla—and it’s easier than you’d think! We’ll give you clear, detailed instructions that will show you how to build kits at any skill level—and get you ready to start building yourself!
Or Lauren’s more general anime fandom panel:
Otaku Journalism: How to blog about and report on the anime industry
Lauren writes about anime for Forbes, reviews shows for Anime News Network, and reports on the occasional industry controversy. This panel will go behind the scenes on how your anime news gets made while providing tips on how you can blog about and review anime—and even get paid to do so.
We will also be helping AnimeCons TV with something special during their panel.
If you’ll be at AnimeNEXT and you’d like to talk mecha with us, we’ll be there! We’re excited to be giving some in-person presentations to a new region of Gundam fans.